5.1 Scholarships from public funds
All scholarships paid from public funds, administered by the Department shall, in the absence , of any special provision to the contrary be awarded, held and drawn only as provided in the following rules.
(i) Subject to the restrictions imposed by the subsequent rules of this chapter, the award of scholarships shall be on merit and in accordance with the results of public examinations. Provided that, the application forms of the eligible students, complete in all respect, shall be submitted to the concerned authority as explained in the different schemes detailed in this chapter.
(ii) If, any such candidate be unable to furnish the required certificate, the scholarship shall be offered on some terms to the next eligible candidate. But candidates who though otherwise eligible are unable to supply the certificate, shall be designated honorary scholars in the notification of the award under these rules.
(iii) Any such scholar will be entitled to apply for a scholarship, in the event of a change in his financial circumstances bringing him within the prescribed income limits.
(iv) The award of Scholarships from State Revenues shall be restricted to the candidates whose parents domicile is in Himachal Pradesh.
The amount of scholarship, the period for which it is awarded and the class of school in which it is tenable shall be fixed and shall not be altered during its currency with a particular scholar.
Any alteration in the number of/value of or, conditions attached to a particular scholarship shall be publically notified in the area from which competitors are drawn at least six months before an award under the revised rules is made.
The value of a close scholarship paid from public funds shall in no case exceed that of an open scholarship of the same class.
No scholar can hold at the same time, two or more scholarships falling under Article 6.1.
A scholarship paid from public funds shall not be awarded to a scholar who, merely by virtue of the place gained by him in the pass list of a public examination, has won an endowed scholarship of the same or a higher value except in case where the donor of the endowed scholarship has expressly stipulated that the scholarship endowed by him may be so held. A scholarship paid from public funds may, however be held together with an endowed scholarship when the latter is awarded for proficiency in same specific object and not on the general results of the examination.
Scholarships may be drawn only for the period stated below:-
(a) days of attendance;
(b) sundays, sanctioned holidays and vacations;
(c) days of absence without leave, if shown to be unavoidable, not exceeding two working days in a calendar month;
(d) days of sick leave not exceeding six working days at one time or not thirty working days in the school or College year;
(e) days of ordinary leave, granted by the head of the institution, for not more than six working days at one time, or not for more than 14 working days in the school or college year. If the period of absence exceeds the number of working days admissible, the scholarship shall not be payable for any part of such period of absence. In the case of girls, scholarships may be drawn for absence for double the period given in (c), (d) & (e);
(b) sundays, sanctioned holidays and vacations;
(c) days of absence without leave, if shown to be unavoidable, not exceeding two working days in a calendar month;
(d) days of sick leave not exceeding six working days at one time or not thirty working days in the school or College year;
(e) days of ordinary leave, granted by the head of the institution, for not more than six working days at one time, or not for more than 14 working days in the school or college year. If the period of absence exceeds the number of working days admissible, the scholarship shall not be payable for any part of such period of absence. In the case of girls, scholarships may be drawn for absence for double the period given in (c), (d) & (e);
(f) To the close of the month in which a public examination takes place, for which a scholar is sent up by the head of the institution;
(g) Days of transit, up to the limit of one week, on the transfer of a scholarship from one institution to another not situated in the same town. Matriculation and Senior Secondary Scholarship can be drawn up to the end of the year, in which the holder has appeared in the prescribed examination and without attendance after such appearance if permitted to be absent by the head of the institution and middle school scholarships can be drawn up to the end of March of the year in which the holder has appeared in the prescribed Middle School Examination.
A scholarship shall lapse if it is not taken up in the school classes within a month of its award or in the case of college scholarship, three weeks; or if the scholar dies; if the scholar is absent without leave for six consecutive school or college working days or with ordinary leave for more than one month, or with sick leave for more than three months at one time; or if the scholar, on transfer from one school or college to another, fails to join second institution within fourteen days of leaving the former institution or if the scholar ceases to attend a school or college at which the scholarship is tenable or to read the course for which it is granted and not otherwise, except when the awarding authority, is satisfied that the delay was unavoidable.
(i) A scholarship shall be forfeited for gross misconduct, laziness, or irregularity of attendance on the part of the scholar, and the head of the institution in which the scholarship is held shall ensure that payment of such scholarship is discontinued to a scholar who has thus forfeited it.
(ii) The lapse or forfeiture of a scholarship shall be reported to the Director of Education.
(iii) The reason for lapse or forfeiture shall in all cases be stated.
(iii) The reason for lapse or forfeiture shall in all cases be stated.
Note :- Failure in an examination shall lead to the forfeiture of scholarship, only if the head of the institution certifies that the failure was due to laziness.
A certificate in the following terms signed by the head of the institution shall accompany all bills for scholarships :
"I hereby certify that the scholar on whose account the above amount has been drawn, has been regular in attendance and have conformed to the rules under which the scholarships are tenable."
An application for the transfer of a scholarship from one institution to another shall be submitted together with the transfer certificate, through the head of the institution to which the scholarship is to be transferred to the officer by whom the scholarship was awarded. The awarding officer after satisfying himself that the scholarship is still current shall notify the transfer to the head of the institution and also to the paying authority concerned. The latter will note the transfer on the award roll.
When a scholarship lapses or is forfeited it will not ordinarily be re-awarded. When, however, a scholarship which has been awarded has not been taken up or when a scholarship has lapsed owing to the death of scholar, a re-award may be made at the discretion of the awarding officer or authority; the scholarship, in such cases, being tenable from the date of the re-award to the end of the period for which the scholarship was originally awarded.
If, in any recognised institution maintained by Government, it is found necessary in any year for lack of accommodation or teaching power, to refuse admission to candidates, scholars shall have preferential claim to admission over all other seeking admission at the same time.
Scholarships payable from public funds are tenable in recognised institutions only. It is also required in unaided schools and colleges that the tuition fees at not less than 50 per cent of the rates charged in Government Schools and Colleges shall be levied from all holders of scholarships paid from public funds.
Scholarship holders in general shall not be eligible for other concessions but in very exceptional circumstances and that only with the express sanction of the District Education Officer.
(a) It is a state sponsored scheme.
(b) The budget is allocated to all the institutions by the Director of Education H.P.
(c) All the students from 6th to 10th class belonging to Tribal Area of H.P. are eligible.
Amount of Scholarship:
Amount of Scholarship:
6th to 8th Rs.4/-P.M.(Day scholar) Rs.15/-P.M.(Hosteler) 9th to 10th Rs.10/-P.M. (Day scholar) Rs.25/-P.M (Hosteler)
(d) Duration of this scholarship is one year & fresh scholarship is awarded in the next class.
(e) No scholarship will be awarded to the failed student during the year he/she repeats the class. However the student will be eligible to get the same after clearing the repeated class.
(f) There is no prescribed proforma for the scheme, however the simple application from the student is required by the head of the Institution every year.
(g) Mode of Payment:- After verification the payment is made in cash by the Head of Institution.
(h) Income ceiling: No income ceiling.
(i) Time schedule for submission of forms with DEOs: 30th Sept. every year.
(j) Sanctioning authority: District Education Officer.
5.15.2 Scholarship for children of such Defence Personnel who are killed/disabled in action at any time.
(a) It is a state sponsored scheme for students of all categories.
(b) This scholarship is meant for the children of such defence personnel who are killed /disabled in any military action at any time. The student can apply on a prescribed proforma available with the sainik welfare officer of the concerned district and submit the same to the Heads of the Institution. The Head of Institution will forward the same to the concerned Sainik Welfare Officer after attestation. The Sainik Welfare Officer will then send the application proforma to the Directorate of Education after verifying all facts. Directorate will allocate the budget to the Head of Institution. The Head of Institution will make the cash payment to the students.
(c) Amount of scholarship(per annum):
Class Boys Girls
6th to 8th 250/- 500/-
9th to 10th 300/- 600/-
+1 to +2 800/- 800/-
(i) Day Scholar 1200/- 1200/-
(ii) Hostelers 2400/- 2400/-
6th to 8th 250/- 500/-
9th to 10th 300/- 600/-
+1 to +2 800/- 800/-
(i) Day Scholar 1200/- 1200/-
(ii) Hostelers 2400/- 2400/-
(d) The students whose father having less than 50% disability caused during any kind of military action are sanctioned half of the scholarship amount as detailed above. The death/disability certificate of the military personnel issued by the competent authority is required to be attached with the application proforma.
(e) Proforma .- The application Proforma can be had from the District Sainik Welfare Officer which is collected by the Head of the Institution from the eligible candidates for disbursement this scholarship.
(f) Income ceiling : No income ceiling.
(g) Time schedule for submission
of forms to Director of Education: 30th Sept. every year.
(g) Time schedule for submission
of forms to Director of Education: 30th Sept. every year.
(a) It is a state sponsored scheme .
(b) All those students who belong to the families identified as IRDP by the State Govt. are eligible for this scholarship. The copy of IRDP certificate be kept for record by the Heads of the Institutions and he has to check the validity of such certificates. This scholarship scheme is also applicable to the BPL(Below Poverty Line) students of Urban areas.
Note.-(i) The students who belong to the IRDP families are also eligible for National Scholarship at Secondary Stage to Talented Children from rural area along with the IRDP scholarship.
(ii) There is prescribed proforma for this scheme. (See Annexure-I)
(c) The budget is allocated to the Head of Institutions by the Director of Education. The budget requirements of Govt. sr.sec./high schools are received through District Education Officers concerned and the case of privately managed School Board affiliated institutions are received through the Deputy Director of Education of concerned Zone. Whereas requirements of the Govt. Colleges are received directly from them.
(d) Amount of scholarship (per annum)
Class Boys Girls 6th to 8th 250/- 500/- 9th to 10th 300/- 600/- +1 to +2 800/- 800/-
University & College
Class Boys Girls 6th to 8th 250/- 500/- 9th to 10th 300/- 600/- +1 to +2 800/- 800/-
University & College
(i) (Day Scholar.) 1200/- 1200/- (ii) Colleges(Hostelers) 2400/- 2400/-
Note.- The applications for award of this scholarship from the students studying in University are received in this Directorate through the Head of the Department concerned and the amount in shape of draft is sent to the Registrar for further disbursement to the eligible student. This scheme is also applicable to the bonafide Himachali students studying outside the state. Applications received from the students studying in colleges outside state are received in the Directorate of Education through their Head of Institution and the scholarship amount is sent to the beneficiary in the shape of drafts through their Head of Institution. The proforma complete in all respects should reach in the Directorate of Education on or before 30th September.
(e) Time Scheduled for submission
of the form to the concerned Head
of Institution/Directorate of Education
(in case of university students): 30th September, every year.
of the form to the concerned Head
of Institution/Directorate of Education
(in case of university students): 30th September, every year.
(a) It is a State sponsored scheme.(Non-Plan & Plan).
(b) The provision of budget to the scheme is made out of the total budget under Merit Scholarship by the Directorate from Non Plan & Plan heads.
(b) The provision of budget to the scheme is made out of the total budget under Merit Scholarship by the Directorate from Non Plan & Plan heads.
This scholarship for three years duration is awarded to students in accordance with the quota allotted to each district purely on merit basis, who qualify the merit scholarship examinations. The students selected for award of this scholarship are bound to continue their studies in Govt./Govt. recognised school of Himachal Pradesh. The Middle School Merit Scholarship examination is conducted by each District Education Officer. The scholarships are awarded accordingly in their respective Districts on the basis of merit. For each district the budget is fixed by the Directorate of Education and the amount is sanctioned according to the number of the students.
(c) Eligibility conditions :-
The Middle School Merit Scholarship examination is open to all boys and girls who fulfil the following conditions :
(i) Age should not exceed 13 years on 31st March of the year of examination.
(ii) Marks- 33% marks in each subject and 50% in aggregate in 5th class annual examination.
(iii) Attendance- At least 75% attendance is required. This may however be relaxed to 60% in special cases by District Education Officer the recommendation of Head of Institution or Block Primary Education Officer concerned.
(iv) The students studying in public/central schools are not eligible to appear in the said test. The student studying in private schools recognised by the Education Department are however to avail the opportunity.
(v) Remunerations to paper setter/examiners:
(ii) Marks- 33% marks in each subject and 50% in aggregate in 5th class annual examination.
(iii) Attendance- At least 75% attendance is required. This may however be relaxed to 60% in special cases by District Education Officer the recommendation of Head of Institution or Block Primary Education Officer concerned.
(iv) The students studying in public/central schools are not eligible to appear in the said test. The student studying in private schools recognised by the Education Department are however to avail the opportunity.
(v) Remunerations to paper setter/examiners:
1. Paper setter @ Rs.50 per paper
2. Marking of answer scripts @Rs1.50 per
answer script.
3. Other contingencies/charges on account
of postage etc. : Actual charges.
2. Marking of answer scripts @Rs1.50 per
answer script.
3. Other contingencies/charges on account
of postage etc. : Actual charges.
(d) Centres: The Tehsil head quarter(s) will be the examination centres. However, the District Education Officer concerned may also select a place as centre as he/she deems fit.
(e) Date of examination: The examination shall be over by 25th May and shall not normally last for more than three days .Not more than three papers shall be given on single day of examination. The merit list will be finalised by the District Education Officer concerned latest by 20th July.
(f) Maximum marks: Each paper will carry 50 marks.
(g) Standard of examination :The syllabus will be of 5th standard.
(g) Standard of examination :The syllabus will be of 5th standard.
(h) Question paper guidelines:
Various subjects will carry the following division of marks.
1. Arithmatics all written 50 marks 90 minutes
2. Hindi all written 50 marks 90 minutes
3. Social Science/or all written 50 marks 90 minutes
any other subjects in
the event of introducing
new syllabus.
1. Arithmatics all written 50 marks 90 minutes
2. Hindi all written 50 marks 90 minutes
3. Social Science/or all written 50 marks 90 minutes
any other subjects in
the event of introducing
new syllabus.
(i) Setting of question papers :
The District Education Officer concerned will themselves set the question paper for their districts. They will be over all incharge for the conduct of examination in their respective districts.
(j) For each district the budget is fixed by the Directorate of Education and the amount is sanctioned according to the number of students.
Note.- The students selected for the award of this scholarship have to continue their studies in Govt. schools of Himachal Pradesh or in such schools which are recognised by the State Govt. throughout their middle school cycle. This facility will not be extended to the scholarship holders who later join the public school/central school.
(k) Rates of the scholarship
Class Boys Girls 6th to 8th 400/-P.A. 800/-P.A.
(l) Number of scholarship
(l) Number of scholarship
Name of District Non-Plan Plan 1. Bilaspur 20 6
2. Chamba 27 8
3. Hamirpur 32 10 4. Kangra 65 19
5. Kullu 17 5
6. Kinnaur 3 1
7. Lahaul & Spiti 3 1 8. Mandi 46 14
9. Shimla 43 13
10. Solan 21 6
11. Sirmour 23 7
12. Una 32 10
Total 332 100
2. Chamba 27 8
3. Hamirpur 32 10 4. Kangra 65 19
5. Kullu 17 5
6. Kinnaur 3 1
7. Lahaul & Spiti 3 1 8. Mandi 46 14
9. Shimla 43 13
10. Solan 21 6
11. Sirmour 23 7
12. Una 32 10
Total 332 100
(m) Proforma: The consolidated list of eligible students for selection examination prepared by the Head of Institution and sent to the District Education Officer concerned for necessary action. Fixed number of students are selected on the basis of merit and the scholarship is sanctioned by the district education officer concerned for further disbursement to the eligible students through Head of Institution.
(n) Total number of awards: 432
(o) Income ceiling : No income ceiling
(p) Time Schedule for applying
to the Head of Institution: 30th April every year.
(o) Income ceiling : No income ceiling
(p) Time Schedule for applying
to the Head of Institution: 30th April every year.
(a) It is a State sponsored scheme.
(b) The budget is bifurcated out of the total budget under merit scholarship by the Directorate from the Plan & Non Plan heads.
(c) Eligibility: The High School Merit Scholarship including Sanskrit & Science subject is awarded to the students on the basis of 8th class examinations merit list prepared by the School Board in accordance with the number of scholarships sanctioned for a particular District. These scholarships are tenable for two years only and are granted on the basis of merit in four subjects i.e. Hindi, English, Mathematics and Social Studies. The Merit Science Scholarship is awarded on the basis of merit in science subject only as per the merit list of 8th class in science subject supplied by the School Board. The selection of eligible candidates is made by district education officer concerned and the amount of scholarship is disbursed through Head of the Institution. Merit scholarship for Sanskrit is also awarded on the pattern of Merit Science Scholarship.
For each district the budget is allocated to District Education Officers according to the fixed number of scholarships .
(d) Rates of Scholarship
Class Boys Girls Hostlers
9th to 10th 1000/-P.A. 1000/-P.A. 1500/-P.A.
9th to 10th 1000/-P.A. 1000/-P.A. 1500/-P.A.
e) Number of scholarships allocated:
SN District Toppers in aggregate Next Toppers in aggregate Scholarship Total
Non-Plan Plan Boys Girls Skt. MeritSci-ence
1 Bilaspur 7 6 3 1 3 3 23
2 Chamba 10 8 3 1 4 4 30
3 Hamirpur 12 8 4 1 4 4 33
4 Kangra 24 18 10 3 9 9 73
5 Kullu 6 6 2 1 3 3 21
6 Kinnaur 1 2 1 1 1 1 07
7 L & Spiti 1 2 1 1 1 1 07
8 Mandi 17 14 6 2 7 7 53
9 Shimla 16 14 6 1 7 7 51
10 Solan 7 6 3 1 3 3 23
11 Sirmaur 9 8 3 1 4 4 29
12 Una 12 8 4 1 4 4 33
Total 122 100 46 15 50 50 383
Non-Plan Plan Boys Girls Skt. MeritSci-ence
1 Bilaspur 7 6 3 1 3 3 23
2 Chamba 10 8 3 1 4 4 30
3 Hamirpur 12 8 4 1 4 4 33
4 Kangra 24 18 10 3 9 9 73
5 Kullu 6 6 2 1 3 3 21
6 Kinnaur 1 2 1 1 1 1 07
7 L & Spiti 1 2 1 1 1 1 07
8 Mandi 17 14 6 2 7 7 53
9 Shimla 16 14 6 1 7 7 51
10 Solan 7 6 3 1 3 3 23
11 Sirmaur 9 8 3 1 4 4 29
12 Una 12 8 4 1 4 4 33
Total 122 100 46 15 50 50 383
Total 383 scholarships for two years duration.
(f) Income ceiling : No income ceiling.
(g) Time schedule for sanction of scholarship: 30th Sept. every year.
(g) Time schedule for sanction of scholarship: 30th Sept. every year.
(a) It is a state sponsored scheme.
(b) Budget Provision:- Rs.1 Crore.
(c) Eligibility: All the students belonging to the families which are identified by the Govt. as SC/ST/OBC are covered under this scheme. The particulars of the eligible students are collected by the Heads of the Institutions and submitted to the District Education Officers concerned on or before 30th June. Director of Education allocates the budget to all the heads of the institutions on their demand. Sanction is accorded by the Drawing & Disbursing Officers concerned and the amount is drawn by them for the disbursement to the eligible students.
(b) Budget Provision:- Rs.1 Crore.
(c) Eligibility: All the students belonging to the families which are identified by the Govt. as SC/ST/OBC are covered under this scheme. The particulars of the eligible students are collected by the Heads of the Institutions and submitted to the District Education Officers concerned on or before 30th June. Director of Education allocates the budget to all the heads of the institutions on their demand. Sanction is accorded by the Drawing & Disbursing Officers concerned and the amount is drawn by them for the disbursement to the eligible students.
(d) Amount of scholarship (per annum) is as under: Class Boys Girls 6th to 8th 250/- 500/- 9th to 10th 300/- 600/- +1 to +2 800/- 800/-
(i) (Day scholars) 1200/- 1200/-
(ii) (Hostlers) 2400/- 2400/-
(ii) (Hostlers) 2400/- 2400/-
Note.- The SC/ST students studying beyond matric are mostly covered under the Post Matric Scholarship Scheme to SC/ST students. The scheme was applicable to SC girl students only up to matric class under the then scheme "Special Component Plan". From 01-04-1998 this scheme has been converted into "Scholarship for SC/ST/OBCs" and the rates have been approved by the State Govt. up to college level. There is prescribed proforma for this scheme. (See Annexure-2)
(e) Income ceiling : Rs.11000/- Per annum.
(f) Time schedule : 30th September every year.
(a) It is a centrally and state sponsored scheme with a committed state liability.
(b) Rates of Scholarships
Courses Day scholar(Rs. PM) Hostelers(Rs. PM)
Group Medical/Engineer 300 500
A B.Sc.Agr./Forestry/ CPL Courses/M.Sc. in Science subjects etc. 300 500
B Diploma in Engineering /Medical/Hotriculture CPL Courses/M.Sc. in Science subjects etc. 300 400
C. Certificate in Engg. /Artech /Med./Agr./Lib. Etc. 300 400
D. Up to Graduation Level courses- B.A. II and above classes. 250 350
E. +1, +2 and B. A. 1st year classes 200 300
Group Medical/Engineer 300 500
A B.Sc.Agr./Forestry/ CPL Courses/M.Sc. in Science subjects etc. 300 500
B Diploma in Engineering /Medical/Hotriculture CPL Courses/M.Sc. in Science subjects etc. 300 400
C. Certificate in Engg. /Artech /Med./Agr./Lib. Etc. 300 400
D. Up to Graduation Level courses- B.A. II and above classes. 250 350
E. +1, +2 and B. A. 1st year classes 200 300
(c) Income ceiling: Annual income ceiling up to Rs.38,220/(Full-Scholarship).
From Rs.38,221/- to Rs.50,320/- for half scholarship.
From Rs.38,221/- to Rs.50,320/- for half scholarship.
(d) Time schedule: 30th Sept. every year.
(e) Eligibility conditions.-
All the SC & ST students studying in post matric classes are covered under this scheme. The budget provision is made by the Directorate of Education to all the Govt. Sr. Sec. Schools & Govt. colleges as per their demand. The amount is drawn and disbursed to the eligible candidates by the heads accordingly. All the formalities are fulfilled by the candidates on a prescribed proforma and submitted to the Heads of the Institutions where he/she is studying. The students studying in universities and in govt. aided colleges/schools may apply through their Heads to this Directorate on a prescribed proforma. The prescribed proformae are supplied to the Deputy Director of Education of concerned Zones for further distribution to govt. colleges and sr. sec. schools and the eligible candidates from universities and govt. aided colleges and schools can get the proforma from Directorate of Education. The scholarship amount is sanctioned by the Director of Education and payment is made by bank drafts through the concerned Institutions to the eligible candidates.
Note.- The proforma for this scheme is available with the Director of Education/Deputy Directors (Zones)/District Education Offices.
a) It is a state sponsored scheme.
b) Eligibility:- The scholarship is awarded on merit basis to the Post Matric students.
b) Eligibility:- The scholarship is awarded on merit basis to the Post Matric students.
The students who secure 77% marks or more in matric and +2 examination conducted by the School Board and 60% or more in the university examinations, are eligible for this scholarship. The student must be a bonafide/domicile of Himachal Pradesh. This scholarship scheme is meant only for academic courses (other than professional/technical). The applications are received on prescribed proforma supplied from the Directorate of Education H.P. separately for award of fresh/renewal of scholarship. The budget is allocated to all the govt. colleges and senior secondary schools as per their requirements. The amount is drawn and disbursed to the eligible candidates by the Heads of Institutions accordingly. The scholarship to the eligible students studying in the universities and govt. aided colleges/schools is sanctioned and drawn by the Directorate and the amount is sent through their Heads by bank drafts for further disbursement.
c) Rates of scholarships
Course Rate Plus One & Plus Two
(i) Day Scholars 1000/-P.A.
(ii) Hostelers 1500/- P.A.
At college/university stage
i) Day scholar 1500/-P.A.
ii)Hostelers 2400/-P.A.
(i) Day Scholars 1000/-P.A.
(ii) Hostelers 1500/- P.A.
At college/university stage
i) Day scholar 1500/-P.A.
ii)Hostelers 2400/-P.A.
Note .-The girl students studying outside the state and staying in the college hostels are also eligible. The budget requirement from colleges and the proforma duly filled in by the candidates studying in govt./govt. aided sen. sec. schools must reach the Directorate by 31st August. The prescribed proforma for this scheme is available with the Director of Education/Deputy Directors (Zones)/District Education Officers.
(d) income ceiling: No income ceiling.
(e) Time Schedule: 30th.Sept.every year.
5.15.9 National Merit Scholarship Scheme. (Plan/Non Plan)
(d) income ceiling: No income ceiling.
(e) Time Schedule: 30th.Sept.every year.
5.15.9 National Merit Scholarship Scheme. (Plan/Non Plan)
(a) It is a centrally sponsored scheme with committed state liability. These scholarships are awarded to those students who have passed the matric/plus two/Graduation examinations from H.P School Board/H.P. University with the marks not less than 60% and the toppers as per the total number of awards are selected.
(b) Rates of the scholarship
Sr. No. Course Name Day Scholar Hosteler
1. Plus One, Plus Two course,Arts/ Science/ Commerce 1st Year of TDC. Rs.60/-P.M. Rs.100/-P.M.
2. B.A./B.Sc./B.Com./B.Archeology(Iind & IIIrd) year courses. Rs.90/-P.M. Rs.140/-P.M.
3. B.E/B. Tech/ MBBS/LLB/ B. Ed/ Dip. In professional and Engineering studies. Rs.120/-P.M. Rs.300/-P.M.
4. Degree in Homeopathic Courses. Rs.120/-P.M. Rs.300/-P.M.
5. B.D.S. Courses. Rs.120/-P.M. Rs.300/-P.M.
6. Post Graduate Diploma in Tourism. Rs.120/-P.M. Rs.300/-P.M.
7. M.A./M. Sc./LLM/M.Ed. Rs.120/-P.M. Rs.300/-P.M.
8. Dip. in Hotel Management/ Dip. Course in Homeopathy Rs.120/-P.M. Rs.300/-P.M.
9. .Master of Labour Welfare. Rs.120/-P.M. Rs.300/-P.M.
10. Master of Social Welfare/Dip. In banking/ M.C.A/ Dip. in Journalism/ Post Graduate Diploma in computer application/ Managements/ Master in Personnel Management and Industrial Relation/ Automobile Engineering. Rs.120/-P.M. Rs.300/-P.M.
(c) Income Ceiling: The candidates, whose parental/ guardian income per annum does not exceed Rs.25000/- (& Rs.35000/- in case of employees), are selected at the Directorate level on the basis of merit lists supplied by the H P Education Board / University. For post graduate students , there is no income ceiling.
(d) Proforma : The prescribed proforma approved by the Govt. of India, is supplied/ collected from the Directorate of Education for fresh/renewal of the scholarship.
A National Prize of Rs.100/- and certificate of merit is awarded once in lieu of the scholarship to the eligible students whose parental/guardian income exceeds Rs.25000/- & Rs.35000/-P.A.( in case of employees).
The amount of scholarship is sanctioned at the directorate level and the payment is made to the students concerned through their Head of Institution in the shape of bank drafts. The budget provision for scheme becomes the liability of state on the basis of the expenditure incurred in the end of 8th Five Year Plan. The over and above expenditure, if needed, is met out by the Govt. of India.
(e) Number of Awards:
The following awards have been fixed by the Govt. of India to the topper students of various classes on the basis of merit lists supplied by the School Board/University.
Class Awards
Matric 170
Plus Two 15
B.A. 10
B.Sc. 05
B.Com. 02
Hons. 14
Total 216
Class Awards
Matric 170
Plus Two 15
B.A. 10
B.Sc. 05
B.Com. 02
Hons. 14
Total 216
The scholarship awarded on the basis of merit is tenable up to first degree course. The students who receive this award at matric & plus two class stage will continue this award up to graduation/diploma course.
Similarly, the students who receive this award at graduation level will continue this award up to post graduation level. The renewal of this award depends on promotion to the next class with at least 50% marks in aggregate.
(f) Time schedule for submission of
forms to the Directorate : 30th of Sept. every year.
Note.-Most of the meritorious students of plus one class are covered under newly introduced Ambedkar Medhavi Chhatarvriti Yojna and Swami Vivekananda Utkrishta Scholarship schemes.
forms to the Directorate : 30th of Sept. every year.
Note.-Most of the meritorious students of plus one class are covered under newly introduced Ambedkar Medhavi Chhatarvriti Yojna and Swami Vivekananda Utkrishta Scholarship schemes.
(a) It is a state/centrally sponsored scheme. The selection of the students is made at Community Development Block level. To conduct the selection examination for National Scholarship, district education officer concerned collect the particulars of eligible students on the directions of Directorate of Education and send their particulars to centre supdt.(Exams.) of concerned block.
(b) Eligibility: The student must have passed 8th class from H.P. School Board and must be a regular student in the rural area. Age of the student should not be more than 17 years. The scholarship is sanctioned in favour of the qualified students. The amount of scholarship is sent to the students concerned by this Directorate through DEO in shape of the bank drafts. The scholarship is tenable for four years i.e. from 9th class to plus two class.
(c) Rates of the scholarship
Class Day scholars Hostelers
IX to X Boys/Girls Rs.30/-P.M. Rs.100/-P.M. +1 & +2 Boys/Girls Rs.60/-P.M. Rs.100/-P.M.
IX to X Boys/Girls Rs.30/-P.M. Rs.100/-P.M. +1 & +2 Boys/Girls Rs.60/-P.M. Rs.100/-P.M.
(d) Distribution of awards:
Sr. No. Name of District No. of CD Blocks General Cate-gory sch. @3 per CDB Children of landless La-bourers @2 per CDB For SC Stud-ents 3 per CDB For ST Students for tribal areas only @3 CDB
1. Bilaspur 3 12 6 6 ----
2. Chamba 7 28 14 14 6(P&B)
3. Hamirpur 5 20 10 10 -----
4. Kangra 12 48 24 24 -----
5. Kullu 5 20 10 10 -----
6. Kinnaur 3 12 6 6 9
7. L & Spiti 2 8 4 4 6
8. Mandi 10 40 20 20 ------
9. Shimla 8 32 16 16 -----
10. Solan 5 20 10 10 -----
11. Sirmaur 5 20 10 10 -----
12. Una 4 16 8 8 -----
Total 69 276 138 138 21
(e) Income ceiling : No income ceiling (See Annexure 3)
1. Bilaspur 3 12 6 6 ----
2. Chamba 7 28 14 14 6(P&B)
3. Hamirpur 5 20 10 10 -----
4. Kangra 12 48 24 24 -----
5. Kullu 5 20 10 10 -----
6. Kinnaur 3 12 6 6 9
7. L & Spiti 2 8 4 4 6
8. Mandi 10 40 20 20 ------
9. Shimla 8 32 16 16 -----
10. Solan 5 20 10 10 -----
11. Sirmaur 5 20 10 10 -----
12. Una 4 16 8 8 -----
Total 69 276 138 138 21
(e) Income ceiling : No income ceiling (See Annexure 3)
(a) It is a state sponsored Scheme. The Govt. has decided to award scholarships for the benefit of boys of the State to promote education in Sainik Schools. The scholarship is awarded to the students of Sainik schools on income cum merit basis.
The selection of the fresh students is made by the Principal, Sainik School Sujanpur Tihra (Distt. Hamirpur) on the basis of the exams. conducted at their end. The amount of scholarship is sanctioned and drawn by the Directorate and is sent through the principal of the said school to the students concerned in the shape of bank drafts. The renewal cases for this scholarship are considered on the demand/ recommendations of the Principal of said school every year up to plus two class.
(b) Amount of scholarship and income ceiling:
Income(pre revised Old students New students Basic pay
up to 2350/- P.M. 7800/-P.A. 9000/-P.A. 2351/- to 2775/- 6288/-P.A. 7188/-P.A. 2776/-to 3100/- 4775/-P.A. 5375/-P.A.
Income(pre revised Old students New students Basic pay
up to 2350/- P.M. 7800/-P.A. 9000/-P.A. 2351/- to 2775/- 6288/-P.A. 7188/-P.A. 2776/-to 3100/- 4775/-P.A. 5375/-P.A.
The rates of above mentioned scholarship scheme from 6th class to +2 class are same as mentioned above.
(c) Income ceiling : The income per month should
not exceed Rs.3100/-
(Basic pay in pre-revised scale).
(d) Time schedule for submission
of forms to Directorate : 30th Sept. of every year.
not exceed Rs.3100/-
(Basic pay in pre-revised scale).
(d) Time schedule for submission
of forms to Directorate : 30th Sept. of every year.
(a) It is a centrally sponsored scheme. The budget is allotted to the Principal GSSS Sarahan (District. Sirmour) for further payment to the Staff and students concerned. The Ministry of Human Resources Development introduced the scheme for "Upgradation of Merit of SC/ST students during the year 1987-88. This scheme provides residential and special coaching to the SC/ST students so that their educational differences could be removed for facilitating their admission into professional courses. Under this scheme, 7 (6 from SC & 1 from ST) students are selected on the merit of middle standard examination conducted by H.P. School Board every year. GSSS Sarahan, District. Sirmour has been selected by the Central Government for the implementation of this scheme. The students from 9th to plus two class are covered under this scheme.
(b) Rates of Scholarship:
Boarding and lodging per student : Rs. 500/- P. M. (Old
students for 10 months and fresh students for 6 months)
Pocket Money per student : Rs.100/-P.M. (Old students for 10 months and fresh students for 6 months)
Fee, Stationery per student : Rs.2000/-P.A.
Honorarium to Principal, expert : Rs.7000/-P.A.
and other incidental charges
(per student)
students for 10 months and fresh students for 6 months)
Pocket Money per student : Rs.100/-P.M. (Old students for 10 months and fresh students for 6 months)
Fee, Stationery per student : Rs.2000/-P.A.
Honorarium to Principal, expert : Rs.7000/-P.A.
and other incidental charges
(per student)
(c) Income ceiling : No income ceiling.
5.15.13. State Government Fellowship to M. Phil/Ph.D. students admitted in the School of International Studies at Jawaher Lal Nehru University(JNU), New Delhi.
(a) It is a state sponsored scheme.
The scheme was introduced by the State Govt. in the year,1987-88. The expenditure is met out from the Merit Scholarship to the post-matric students scheme and the payment is made by the Directorate in the shape of bank drafts to the students concerned through the Registrar of University. Govt. of Himachal Pradesh has decided to grant one scholarship every year for M. Phil/Ph.D students admitted in the School of International Studies at JNU, who is domicile of H.P. The selection of the candidate is made by the high level committee and the members of that committee are from JNU New Delhi.
(b) Rate of Scholarship
Course Scholarship Contingencies Ist and 2nd year 1800/-P.M. 5000/-P.A. 3rd and remaining period 2100/-P.M. 5000/-P.A.
(c) Number of students : One.
(d) Income ceiling : No income ceiling.
(e) Time schedule for : 30th Sept. every year.
submission of forms
to Directorate
Course Scholarship Contingencies Ist and 2nd year 1800/-P.M. 5000/-P.A. 3rd and remaining period 2100/-P.M. 5000/-P.A.
(c) Number of students : One.
(d) Income ceiling : No income ceiling.
(e) Time schedule for : 30th Sept. every year.
submission of forms
to Directorate
(a) It is a state sponsored scheme. (Non Plan). There are three Pre-vocational Training Centres at GSSS Lalpani (Shimla), Bhangrotu(Mandi) and Kullu in H.P. All the Students getting admission in these centres for training are paid scholarships at the rate of Rs.10/-P.M. for full duration of training i.e.6th to 8th class.
The lists of the selected students are received in the Directorate of Education from the concerned centres by 30th Sept. every year.
The amount of scholarship is sanctioned & drawn in the Directorate of Education and the payment is made in the shape of bank drafts to the students concerned through their Head of Institution.
(a) It is a state sponsored scheme (Plan). This scheme of one crore was started from the session 1998-99 to 1000 brilliant students of SC category only. From 1999-2000 the benefit under this scheme was extended to 1000 brilliant students of OBC category also in + 1 class of each category. The scheme is renewed in plus two class.
The principals of Sen. Sec. Schools are fully responsible for submitting the fresh/renewal cases to the DEOs by 31st August, and payment of the scholarship.
(b) Eligibility :
1. The candidate should belong to the category declared as SC or OBC by the Govt. of H.P.
2. He/she should be a bonafide of H.P.
3. The candidate should have secured minimum 50% marks (or above) in the matriculation examination from the Board of School Education Dharamshala held in March every year.
4. The candidate should be a regular student in +1/+2 class in any Govt./Govt. recognised Sr. Sec. School in Himachal Pradesh for full academic session.
5. The failed candidates of +1 class are not entitled for renewal of this scholarship.
(c) Selection: The selection of top 1000 students of SC and 1000 students of OBC category will be made purely on merit basis at Directorate level.
All the Distt. Education Officers will collect the information along with full details from the Principals in their districts and send the same to the Directorate of Education on the prescribed proforma, on the basis of the result of Matriculation Examination held in the month of March.
(d) Rate of scholarship:
The each selected student shall be paid the scholarship amount Rs.10,000/- P.A.(Rs.1000/- per month for 10 months).
(e) No of awards: 1000 SC students and 1000 OBC students.
(e) No of awards: 1000 SC students and 1000 OBC students.
(f) Proforma: The prescribed proforma is supplied from the Directorate of Education to all the sr. sec. schools through the D.E.O. concerned.
(g) Income Ceiling : No income ceiling.
(h) Time schedule for : 30th Sept. every year. submission of forms (See Annexure 4, 4A, 4B)
to Directorate.
to Directorate.
(a) It is a centrally sponsored scheme.
(b) Eligibility : The Govt. of India has decided to award these scholarships to those students who stand first in their class with more than 50% marks in Sanskrit and minimum 50% in aggregate. The Head of Institutions send the information to the Directorate through DEO's concerned and the scholarship grant is sent through DEO's concerned.
(c) Rate of scholarship:
Class Rate per month
9th to 10th Rs.100/-
Plus one & Plus two Rs.125/-
(d) Number of scholarships: Two scholarships are awarded at high school level i.e. one each for 9th and 10th class. Four scholarships are awarded at Sr. Sec. level i.e. one each for classes 9th,10th ,+1 & +2 .
(e) Income ceiling : No income ceiling.
(f) Time schedule : 30th Sept. every year.
It is a state sponsored scheme.
Eligibility : This scheme is meant for all girls students of Balmiki Community beyond matric i.e. from plus one or equivalent class irrespective of the courses & is payable to every girl student of this community @ Rs.9000/- per annum.(Ref. Principal Advisor Planning to the Govt. of H.P. letter no. PLG (DI) 1-23/2000 dated 20th Sept.2000). (See Annexure 5, 5A, 5B).
It is a state sponsored scheme.
Eligibility : This scheme is meant for the those meritorious 100 boys and 100 girls belonging to scheduled tribes community of H.P. The scholarship will be awarded up to +2 level to those 200 students(100 boys and 100 girls) who secure maximum marks in matriculation examination from H.P. Education Board. The rate of scholarship will be Rs.11000/- per annum. (See Annexure 6, 6A, 6B)
It is a state sponsored scheme based on the same analogy as that of Ambedkar Medhavi Chhatravriti Yojna.
Eligibility :
This scheme is meant for 2000 meritorious students belonging to Gen. Category. This scholarship is awarded to those meritorious students who secure maximum marks in matriculation examination conducted by H.P. Board of School Education @ 10,000/-per annum up to plus two level. (See Annexure 7, 7A, 7B).
The Government has introduced Dr Saravapalli Radhakrishanan Scholarship of excellence scheme during the year 1999-2000 under which the students securing first three position for entrance test in PMT/PET after passing plus two examination are given scholarship to the tune of Rs.25000/-, Rs.20000/- and Rs.15000/- for first, second and third places in the merit list. The scheme is implemented by Director of Medical Education and Research and Director of Technical Education respectively.
1. Name of the Candidate (in capital letters) :
2. Father's Name :
3. Home Address :
4. Date of Birth :
5. Name of the Institution where studying :
6. Admission No. and date :
7. Class__________ Roll No. ___________
8. Whether the scholarship availed last year
under this scheme, give details.
(Class and Amount) :
9. Whether staying in Hostel :
10. Date of Admission in Hostel :
11. Verification by Hostel Warden :
2. Father's Name :
3. Home Address :
4. Date of Birth :
5. Name of the Institution where studying :
6. Admission No. and date :
7. Class__________ Roll No. ___________
8. Whether the scholarship availed last year
under this scheme, give details.
(Class and Amount) :
9. Whether staying in Hostel :
10. Date of Admission in Hostel :
11. Verification by Hostel Warden :
Date........................... Signature of Student.
Documents to be annexed :
1. Bonafide Himachali
2. I.R.D.P. Certificate issued by B.D.O.
Certified that all the particulars mentioned above have been verified and found correct.
1. Name of the Candidate (in capital letters) :
2. Father's Name :
3. Date of Birth :
4. Home Address :
5. Name of the Institution where studying :
6. Admission No. and date of Admission :
7. Class ______________ Roll No. __________
8. Whether the scholarship availed last year :
give details (Class and Amount)
9. Whether staying in Hostel :
10. Date of Admission in Hostel :
11. Verification by Hostel Warden :
2. Father's Name :
3. Date of Birth :
4. Home Address :
5. Name of the Institution where studying :
6. Admission No. and date of Admission :
7. Class ______________ Roll No. __________
8. Whether the scholarship availed last year :
give details (Class and Amount)
9. Whether staying in Hostel :
10. Date of Admission in Hostel :
11. Verification by Hostel Warden :
Date............................... Signature of Student.
Documents to be annexed :
1. Bonafide Himachali.
2. SC/ST/OBC Certificate issued by the Competent Authority.
3. Income Certificate (Rs.11000/- per annum or less).
Certified that all the particulars mentioned above have been verified and found correct.
(To be completed by the Students)
1. Name of Student (in block letters)...........................................
2. Son /Daughter of (Father's Name).........................................
3. Permanent Home Address :- Village ............................ P.O...........................................Tehsil......................................District .................................................
4. Name of community Development Block ..............................
5. Roll No. under which appeared in Middle Standard Examination from H.P. Board of School Education, Dharamshala .........................................
6. Roll No. under which appeared in selection examination conducted by the Directorate of Education. ............................
7. Date of selection examination. ................................................
8. Do you belong to SC/ST/Landless Labourer's community (if so attach certificate). ...............................
9. Period of study in rural areas and Name of School ................
(To be completed by the Students)
1. Name of Student (in block letters)...........................................
2. Son /Daughter of (Father's Name).........................................
3. Permanent Home Address :- Village ............................ P.O...........................................Tehsil......................................District .................................................
4. Name of community Development Block ..............................
5. Roll No. under which appeared in Middle Standard Examination from H.P. Board of School Education, Dharamshala .........................................
6. Roll No. under which appeared in selection examination conducted by the Directorate of Education. ............................
7. Date of selection examination. ................................................
8. Do you belong to SC/ST/Landless Labourer's community (if so attach certificate). ...............................
9. Period of study in rural areas and Name of School ................
(To be completed by the Head of School/College)
(To be completed by the Head of School/College)
1. Class in which studying ......................................................
2. Exact date of joining the present class ....................................
3. In case of Hostler, exact date of joining the Hostel...................................
4. Exact date of leaving the Hostel .......................................
5. Date of birth of student (as per school record) .......................
6. Exact amount of tuition fees paid by the scholar (in case of boys) ......................................
7. Whether in receipt of any scholarship, if so mention the kind of scholarship and amount.
8. Previous sanction No. and date ...............................................
9. Achievement in House Test/Final Exam. March ........... %.....
10. Total amount required/claimed :-
(a) Scholarship from ...................... To ......................... Rs. ................................
(b) Tuition fee from .......................... To ....................... Rs. ..............................
2. Exact date of joining the present class ....................................
3. In case of Hostler, exact date of joining the Hostel...................................
4. Exact date of leaving the Hostel .......................................
5. Date of birth of student (as per school record) .......................
6. Exact amount of tuition fees paid by the scholar (in case of boys) ......................................
7. Whether in receipt of any scholarship, if so mention the kind of scholarship and amount.
8. Previous sanction No. and date ...............................................
9. Achievement in House Test/Final Exam. March ........... %.....
10. Total amount required/claimed :-
(a) Scholarship from ...................... To ......................... Rs. ................................
(b) Tuition fee from .......................... To ....................... Rs. ..............................
Total amount required : Rs. ...........................
11. Particulars from 1 to 9 of students and 1 to 11 of office are checked and found correct.
Signature of Principal/
Headmaster with seal.
Headmaster with seal.
Note.-Fresh Scholarship is awarded at the Directorate level.
Government of Himachal Pradesh
Department of Education
Department of Education
No. : EDN-A-Ka(4) 6/98- Dated: Shimla-2, the 5th , March, 2001
" Notification ''
The Governor, Himachal Pradesh is pleased to issue the following guidelines for regulation and implementation of "Dr.Ambedkar Medhavi Chhatra Yojna'' in HP Education Department :-
1. That under this scheme an amount of Rs.1000/- per month will be paid per student for ten months in a year.
2. That he/she should belong to the category declared as Scheduled Caste or OBC by the HP Government.
3. That the selection of 2000 students from each category amongst Schedule Castes and OBCs, will be made strictly on merit list supplied by the HP Board of School Education, securing 50% marks or above.
4. That all the students who are studying in 10+1 class belonging to SC/OBC Community are eligible under the scheme irrespective of their studying in Govt., Private, Aided or Unaided Schools situated in HP.
5. That in case of any dispute the decision of the Director of Education will be final.
6. That all the DEOs will be responsible for collecting the required information from the Principals of Govt. Sr. Secondary Schools/Other Institutions referred to in (4) above.
7. That the amount will be paid twice in a year to the eligible students.
2. That he/she should belong to the category declared as Scheduled Caste or OBC by the HP Government.
3. That the selection of 2000 students from each category amongst Schedule Castes and OBCs, will be made strictly on merit list supplied by the HP Board of School Education, securing 50% marks or above.
4. That all the students who are studying in 10+1 class belonging to SC/OBC Community are eligible under the scheme irrespective of their studying in Govt., Private, Aided or Unaided Schools situated in HP.
5. That in case of any dispute the decision of the Director of Education will be final.
6. That all the DEOs will be responsible for collecting the required information from the Principals of Govt. Sr. Secondary Schools/Other Institutions referred to in (4) above.
7. That the amount will be paid twice in a year to the eligible students.
By order,
1. Name of the Student (in capital letters) :
2. Father's Name (in capital letters) :
3. Name and address of Govt./Pvt. Sr.
Sec. School/Private College where the
candidate is presently studying :
4. Roll No. under which the candidate
has passed the Matriculation Exams.
from H.P. Board of School Education
held in March _________ :
5. Admission number and date of
Admission in Plus One Class in present
Govt./Pvt. Sr. Sec. School/Private College:
6. Total marks obtained in Matriculation
with percentage :
7. Category : (SC / OBC)
8. Home Address :
Signature of Father/Guardian. Signature of the Candidate.
2. Father's Name (in capital letters) :
3. Name and address of Govt./Pvt. Sr.
Sec. School/Private College where the
candidate is presently studying :
4. Roll No. under which the candidate
has passed the Matriculation Exams.
from H.P. Board of School Education
held in March _________ :
5. Admission number and date of
Admission in Plus One Class in present
Govt./Pvt. Sr. Sec. School/Private College:
6. Total marks obtained in Matriculation
with percentage :
7. Category : (SC / OBC)
8. Home Address :
Signature of Father/Guardian. Signature of the Candidate.
Eligibility Conditions :
1. The candidate should be a regular student of Plus One in Govt./Pvt. Sr. Sec. School/Private College during the current session.
2. The candidate should belong to the caste which has been declared SC or OBC by the Govt. of H. P.
3. The candidate should have passed his/her matriculation examination in the previous session securing 50% or above marks from H.P. Board of School Education Dharamshala.
2. The candidate should belong to the caste which has been declared SC or OBC by the Govt. of H. P.
3. The candidate should have passed his/her matriculation examination in the previous session securing 50% or above marks from H.P. Board of School Education Dharamshala.
The copies of the following certificates required to be attached :
1. Matriculation, 2. SC/OBC, 3. Bonafide Himachali.
Certified that the particulars mentioned above are checked and found correct.
Dated ................................ Principal.
1. Name of the Student (in capital letters) :
2. Father's Name (in capital letters) :
3. Name and address of Govt./Pvt. Sr.
Sec. School/Private College where
presently studying :
4. School from where the Plus One Class
has been passed :
5. Admission number and date of admission
in present Sr. Sec. School/Private College:
6. Total marks obtained in Plus One :
7. Draft No./date vide which the candidate has
received Rs.Ten thousand in Plus One Class
during the previous year/session _________
8. Category : (SC/OBC)
9. Home Address :
Signature of Father/Guardian. Signature of the Candidate.
2. Father's Name (in capital letters) :
3. Name and address of Govt./Pvt. Sr.
Sec. School/Private College where
presently studying :
4. School from where the Plus One Class
has been passed :
5. Admission number and date of admission
in present Sr. Sec. School/Private College:
6. Total marks obtained in Plus One :
7. Draft No./date vide which the candidate has
received Rs.Ten thousand in Plus One Class
during the previous year/session _________
8. Category : (SC/OBC)
9. Home Address :
Signature of Father/Guardian. Signature of the Candidate.
Eligibility Conditions :
1. The candidate should be a regular student of Plus Two Class during the session/year ......................... of his/her renewal of scholarship.
2. Repeaters of plus one class are not eligible for the renewal of Scholarship.
The attested copy of Detail Marks of plus one class must be attached herewith.
Certified that the particulars mentioned above are checked and found correct.
Dated.............................. Sr. Sec. School ................
The receipt may be sent to the Directorate of Education through the DEO concerned as per the proforma given below :
Dated.............................. Sr. Sec. School ................
The receipt may be sent to the Directorate of Education through the DEO concerned as per the proforma given below :
Received Rs. ________ vide Demand Draft No._________ dated on account of Scholarship under Ambedkar Medhavi Chhatravriti Yojna in +1 class sanctioned by the Director of Education, H.P. through Principal on dated ...............
Received Rs. ________ vide Demand Draft No._________ dated on account of Scholarship under Ambedkar Medhavi Chhatravriti Yojna in +1 class sanctioned by the Director of Education, H.P. through Principal on dated ...............
Dated................................... Signature of Candidate.
It is certified that the above amount of Rs.______ received from the Director of Education, H.P. on dated ............... vide Bank Draft No. _________ dated _______ has been disbursed to Kr./Km.___________ Roll No. ______ for +1 Class of this Institution.
Dated................................ Principal/HOI with seal.
Government of Himachal Pradesh
Department of Education
Department of Education
No. : EDN-A-Ga(11) 2/2000- Dated: Shimla-2, the 5th March, 2001
" Notification ''
The Governor, Himachal Pradesh is pleased to issue the following guidelines for regulation/implementation of scholarship scheme under "Maharishi Valmiki Chhatravriti Yojna '' for Girl students belonging to the families of those engaged in unclean occupations, with immediate effect :-
1. That the scholarship shall be paid to all the girl students belonging to Valmiki families, engaged in unclean Occupations, beyond Matric level, in the schools, situated within HP irrespective of their status i.e. whether a Govt. or Private School.
2. That the scholarship shall be paid twice a year to the eligible students. The amount of scholarship shall be Rs.9000/- per annum per student for ten months in a year.
3. That in case of any dispute, the decision of the Director of Education shall be final.
4. That all DEOs shall be responsible for submitting the details/particulars of eligible candidates under the scheme.
3. That in case of any dispute, the decision of the Director of Education shall be final.
4. That all DEOs shall be responsible for submitting the details/particulars of eligible candidates under the scheme.
By order,
Commissioner-cum-Secretary (Education)
to the Government of Himachal Pradesh.
Endst. No. : As above: Dated Shimla-171002, 5th March, 2001
Copy for information and necessary action to :-
Copy for information and necessary action to :-
1. The Director of Education, Himachal Pradesh, Shimla-
2. The Guard File.
2. The Guard File.
Addl. Secretary(Education) to the
Government of Himachal Pradesh.
Government of Himachal Pradesh.
Annexure-5 A
1. Name of the Student (in capital letters) :
2. Father's Name (in capital letters) :
3. Name and address of Govt./Pvt. Sr.
Sec. School/Pvt. College where
presently studying :
4. Admission number and date of admission
in present class in Govt./Pvt. Sr. Sec. School/
Private College :
5. H.P. Board's Roll Number under which the
candidate passed the Matric examination
in March ____________ :
6. Category to which belongs : (Valmiki)
7. Home Address :
2. Father's Name (in capital letters) :
3. Name and address of Govt./Pvt. Sr.
Sec. School/Pvt. College where
presently studying :
4. Admission number and date of admission
in present class in Govt./Pvt. Sr. Sec. School/
Private College :
5. H.P. Board's Roll Number under which the
candidate passed the Matric examination
in March ____________ :
6. Category to which belongs : (Valmiki)
7. Home Address :
Signature of Father/Guardian. Signature of the Candidate.
Eligibility Conditions :
1. The candidate should be a regular student of Govt./Pvt. Sr. Sec. School/ Pvt. College during the current session.
2. The candidate should belong to the caste which has been declared Valmiki Caste by the Government of Himachal Pradesh.
3. The candidate should have passed his/her matriculation examination in the previous session from H.P. Board of School Education, Dharamshala.
2. The candidate should belong to the caste which has been declared Valmiki Caste by the Government of Himachal Pradesh.
3. The candidate should have passed his/her matriculation examination in the previous session from H.P. Board of School Education, Dharamshala.
The copies of the following certificates required to be attached :
1. Matriculation, 2. Valmiki Caste.
1. Matriculation, 2. Valmiki Caste.
Certified that all the particulars mentioned above are checked and found correct.
1. Name of the Student (in capital letters) :
2. Father's Name (in capital letters) :
3. Name and address of Govt./Pvt. Sr.
Sec. School/Pvt. College where the
candidate is presently studying :
4. School from where the previous class passed :
5. Admission number and date of admission
in present class in the present School/
Pvt. College :
6. Total marks obtained in previous class:
7. Draft No. ______________ date ____________ vide which the candidate has received Rs. Nine thousand during the previous year/session under the scheme.
8. Category : (Valmiki)
9. Home Address :
Signature of Father/Guardian. Signature of the Candidate.
2. Father's Name (in capital letters) :
3. Name and address of Govt./Pvt. Sr.
Sec. School/Pvt. College where the
candidate is presently studying :
4. School from where the previous class passed :
5. Admission number and date of admission
in present class in the present School/
Pvt. College :
6. Total marks obtained in previous class:
7. Draft No. ______________ date ____________ vide which the candidate has received Rs. Nine thousand during the previous year/session under the scheme.
8. Category : (Valmiki)
9. Home Address :
Signature of Father/Guardian. Signature of the Candidate.
Eligibility Conditions :
1. The candidate should be a regular student during the session/year ................. of his/her renewal of scholarship.
2. Repeaters in present class are not eligible for the renewal of Scholarship.
2. Repeaters in present class are not eligible for the renewal of Scholarship.
The attested copy of Detail Marks of previous class must be attached herewith.
Certified that the particulars mentioned above are checked and found correct.
Dated............................ Principal.
Dated............................ Principal.
The receipt may be sent to the Directorate of Education through the DEO concerned as per the proforma given below :
Received Rs. ________ vide Demand Draft No._________ dated ______ on account of Scholarship under Maharishi Valmiki Chhatravriti Yojna in __________ class sanctioned by the Director of Education, H.P, through Principal ________ on dated ________.
Dated............................. Signature of Candidate.
It is certified that the above amount of Rs.______ received from the Director of Education, H.P. on dated _________ vide Bank Draft No. ___________ dated _______ has been disbursed to Kr./Km.___________ Roll No. ______ for ______ Class of this Institution on dated _______________ .
Dated......................... Principal/HOI with seal.
Government of Himachal Pradesh
Department of Education
Department of Education
No. EDN-A-Gha(11) 3/2000- Dated : Shimla-2, the 5th March, 2001
" Notification ''
The Governor, Himachal Pradesh is pleased to issue the following guidelines for regulation and implementation of "Thakur Sen Negi Utkrisht Chhatravriti Yojna" for ST Students, in H.P. Education Department, with immediate effect :
1. Under this scholarship the students will receive an amount of Rs.11,000/- per student per year.
2. The students of Tribal Community, belonging to Himachal Pradesh are entitled under the scheme irrespective of their place of study, within H.P. only, and shall include all private schools as well.
3. Selection of 200 students (100 boys and 100 girl students) belonging to ST Category will be made strictly on merit list supplied by the H.P. Board of School Education, Dharamshala, securing 50% and above.
4. In case of any dispute, the decision of the Director of Education shall be final.
5. That all the DEOs shall be responsible for collecting and furnishing the details required from various Institutions.
6. That the scholarships are to be paid to the students twice a year.
2. The students of Tribal Community, belonging to Himachal Pradesh are entitled under the scheme irrespective of their place of study, within H.P. only, and shall include all private schools as well.
3. Selection of 200 students (100 boys and 100 girl students) belonging to ST Category will be made strictly on merit list supplied by the H.P. Board of School Education, Dharamshala, securing 50% and above.
4. In case of any dispute, the decision of the Director of Education shall be final.
5. That all the DEOs shall be responsible for collecting and furnishing the details required from various Institutions.
6. That the scholarships are to be paid to the students twice a year.
By order,
Commer.-cum-Secretary (Education) to the
Government of Himachal Pradesh.
Government of Himachal Pradesh.
1. Name of the Student (in capital letters) :
2. Father's Name (in capital letters) :
3. Name and address of Govt./Pvt. Sr. Sec. School
where the candidate is presently studying:
4. Admission number and date of Admission in
present class in present School :
5. H.P. Board's Roll Number under which the
Candidate has passed the Matriculation
Examination In March ____________
6. Total marks obtained in Matric with percentage :
7. Category to which belongs : (ST)
8. Home Address :
2. Father's Name (in capital letters) :
3. Name and address of Govt./Pvt. Sr. Sec. School
where the candidate is presently studying:
4. Admission number and date of Admission in
present class in present School :
5. H.P. Board's Roll Number under which the
Candidate has passed the Matriculation
Examination In March ____________
6. Total marks obtained in Matric with percentage :
7. Category to which belongs : (ST)
8. Home Address :
Signature of Father/Guardian. Signature of the Candidate.
Eligibility Conditions :
1. The candidate should be a regular student of Govt./Pvt. Sr. Sec. School during the current session.
2. The candidate should belong to the caste which has been declared Schedule Tribe by the Government of Himachal Pradesh.
3. The candidate should have passed his/her matriculation examination in the previous session securing 50% or above marks from H.P. Board of School Education, Dharamshala.
The copies of the following certificates required to be attached :
1. Matriculation, 2. Schedule Tribe. 3. Bonafide Himachali.
Certified that all the particulars mentioned above are checked and found correct.
1. Name of the Student (in capital letters) :
2. Father's Name (in capital letters) :
3. Name and address of Govt./Pvt. Sr. Sec.
School/Private College where candidate is
presently Studying in Plus Two Class :
4. Admission number and date of admission
in present School in plus two class :
5. H.P. Board's Roll Number under which the
Candidate has passed the Matriculation
Examination in March ____________
6. Total marks obtained in Plus One Class :
7. Draft No./Date vide which the Candidate
has received Rs. 11000/- during the
previous year/session :
8. Category to which belongs : (ST)
9. Home Address :
2. Father's Name (in capital letters) :
3. Name and address of Govt./Pvt. Sr. Sec.
School/Private College where candidate is
presently Studying in Plus Two Class :
4. Admission number and date of admission
in present School in plus two class :
5. H.P. Board's Roll Number under which the
Candidate has passed the Matriculation
Examination in March ____________
6. Total marks obtained in Plus One Class :
7. Draft No./Date vide which the Candidate
has received Rs. 11000/- during the
previous year/session :
8. Category to which belongs : (ST)
9. Home Address :
Signature of Father/Guardian. Signature of the Candidate.
Eligibility Conditions :
1. The candidate should be a regular student of Plus Two Class of Govt./Pvt. Sr. Sec. School/Private College during the current session.
2. Repeaters of Plus One Class are not eligible for the renewal of Scholarship.
3. The candidate must have received his/her scholarship under this scheme in Plus One Class during the previous session.
Certified that all the particulars mentioned above are checked and found correct.
The receipt may be sent to the Directorate of Education through the DEO concerned as per the proforma given below:
Received Rs. ________ vide Demand Draft No._________ dated_______ on account of Scholarship under Thakur Sen Negi Utkrishta Chhatravriti Yojna in +1 class sanctioned by the Director of Education, H.P. through Principal__________on dated _______ .
Dated .............................. Signature of Candidate.
It is certified that the above amount of Rs.______ received from the Director of Education H.P. on dated _________vide Bank Draft No. _____________ dated __________ has been disbursed to Kr./Km.___________ Roll No. ________ for _____Class of this Institution on dated ____________.
Dated......................... Principal/HOI with seal.
Government of Himachal Pradesh
Department of Education
Department of Education
No. : EDN-A-Ga(11) 4/2000 Dated : Shimla-2, the 5th March, 2001
" Notification ''
The Governor, Himachal Pradesh is pleased to issue the following guidelines for regulation and implementation of " Swami Vivekanand Scholarship Scheme '' in HP Education Department with immediate effect :-
1. That the scholarship shall be given to 2000 meritorious students of general category strictly on merit basis, as per the list supplied by the H.P. Board of School Education, Dharamshala securing 50% marks and above.
2. That under this scheme an amount of Rs.10,000/- will be paid to each selected student per year.
3. That he/she should belong to the general category declared by the H.P. Government.
4. All the students who are studying in +1 Class of the school situated in H.P. i.e., irrespective of their study in Government or Private School, are to be covered under this scheme.
5. That in case of any dispute the decision of the Director of Education will be final.
6. That all the DEOs will have to furnish the details from the institutions mentioned above in (3).
7. That the scholarship will be paid twice a year.
By order,
1. Name of the Student (in capital letters) :
2. Father's Name (in capital letters) :
3. Name and address of Govt./Pvt. Sr.
Sec. School/Private College where the
Candidate is presently studying :
4. Admission number and date of admission
in present Class in present School :
5. H.P. Board's Roll Number under which
the candidate has passed the Matriculation
Examination in March ____________ :
6. Total marks obtained in Matric with percentage :
7. Category to which belongs to : General
8. Home Address :
Signature of Father/Guardian. Signature of the Candidate.
2. Father's Name (in capital letters) :
3. Name and address of Govt./Pvt. Sr.
Sec. School/Private College where the
Candidate is presently studying :
4. Admission number and date of admission
in present Class in present School :
5. H.P. Board's Roll Number under which
the candidate has passed the Matriculation
Examination in March ____________ :
6. Total marks obtained in Matric with percentage :
7. Category to which belongs to : General
8. Home Address :
Signature of Father/Guardian. Signature of the Candidate.
Eligibility Conditions :
1. The candidate should be a regular student of Plus One Class in Govt./Pvt. Sr. Sec. School/Private College during the current session.
2. The candidate should have passed his/her matriculation examination in the previous session securing 50% or above marks from H.P. Board of School Education, Dharamshala.
2. The candidate should have passed his/her matriculation examination in the previous session securing 50% or above marks from H.P. Board of School Education, Dharamshala.
The copies of the following certificates required to be attached :
1. Matriculation, 2. Bonafide Himachali.
1. Matriculation, 2. Bonafide Himachali.
Certified that all the particulars mentioned above are checked and found correct.
Annexure-7 B
Annexure-7 B
1. Name of the Student (in capital letters) :
2. Father's Name (in capital letters) :
3. Name and address of Govt./Pvt. Sr. Sec.
School/Private College where the
candidate is presently studying :
4. Admission number and date of admission
in present Class in present School :
5. Total marks obtained in Plus One Class :
6. Draft No./Date vide which the Candidate has
received Rs.10000/- during the previous
year/session _________ in Plus One Class :
7. Category to which belongs to :General
8. Home Address :
2. Father's Name (in capital letters) :
3. Name and address of Govt./Pvt. Sr. Sec.
School/Private College where the
candidate is presently studying :
4. Admission number and date of admission
in present Class in present School :
5. Total marks obtained in Plus One Class :
6. Draft No./Date vide which the Candidate has
received Rs.10000/- during the previous
year/session _________ in Plus One Class :
7. Category to which belongs to :General
8. Home Address :
Signature of Father/Guardian. Signature of the Candidate.
Eligibility Conditions :
1. The candidate should be a regular student of plus two class of Govt./Pvt. Sr. Sec. School/Private College during the current session.
2. Repeaters of Plus One Class are not eligible for the renewal of Scholarship.
3. The candidate must have received his/her scholarship under this scheme in Plus One Class during the previous session.
Certified that all the particulars mentioned above are checked and found correct.
Certified that all the particulars mentioned above are checked and found correct.
The receipt may be sent to the Directorate of Education through the DEO concerned as per the proforma given below :
Received Rs. ________ vide Demand Draft No._________ dated ________on account of Scholarship under Swami Vivekanand Scholarship Scheme in +1 class sanctioned by the Director of Education, H.P. through Principal______________ on dated ______
Dated................................ Signature of Candidate.
It is certified that the above amount of Rs.______ received from the Director of Education, H.P. on dated ________vide Bank Draft No. __________ dated _______ has been disbursed to Kr./Km.___________ Roll No._________ for _____ Class of this Institution on dated ____________.
Dated.............................. Principal/HOI with seal