National Service Scheme (NSS)
Special Camp ....Oct. 30-Nov.05,2011...
N.S.S. a centrally sponsored scheme was introduced in 37 selected universities on 24-09-1969 both "as a measure of Educational Reforms and as a mean to improve the quality of educated man power". It was extended to plus two schools in 1985. The scheme has aroused among the student youth an awareness of the reality of life, a better understanding and appreciation of the problems of the people. It is an attempt in making education relevant to the needs of the society. The scheme was implemented in Himachal Pradesh University in 1972 and extended to plus two schools in 1993.
10.1 Aims & Objectives
(a) Aims: The overall aim of the scheme is to "arouse the social consciousness of the students and to provide them with opportunity to work with people in the villages and slums, and to expose them to the realities of life" so as to "bring about a change in their social perceptions".
(b) Objective: Main objective of the scheme is "Development of personality of a student through community service rendered during leisure hours".
10.2 Cardinal Principle
The cardinal principle of NSS programme is that it is "of the students, for the students and by the students" and offers them sense of involvement in nation building besides work experience.
10.3 Classification of Activities
There are two kinds of activities namely
(a) Regular NSS Activities (b) Special Camping Programme
(a) Regular NSS Activities: Under this, students undertake various programmes in adopted villages and urban slums during week-ends or after teaching hours. Volunteers are required to put in minimum of 120 hours of community service, orientation and campus work in accordance with the NSS Manual and instructions/guidelines of Govt. of India. Volunteers may be placed in the following projects under community work.
(i) Institutional Work: Placing students with voluntary organisations working for the welfare of women, children, aged & disabled outside the campus.
(ii) Rural Projects: Projects in adopted villages for such as eradication of illiteracy, watershed management, health, hygiene, sanitation, mother-childcare, family life education, rural roads, gender justice and campaign against social evils etc.
(iii) Urban Projects: In addition to above, the project includes Adult Education, welfare of slum-dwellers, civil-defence, traffic control, work in hospitals, orphanages, destitute homes, environment, population education, Drug & AIDS awareness etc.
(iv) Natural Calamities & National Emergencies: Volunteers can work for mobilising public support & rendering assistance to civil authorities in such events.
(v) National Programmes: Volunteers may take up such programmes like Mass Programme of Functional Literacy, AIDS Awareness Programme and sustainable development and help the Govt. Unit is to take up activities which are local need based. They are to be in accordance with the suggestive list contained in NSS Manual & specific directions received from competent authorities from time to time.
(b) Special Camping Programme: Under this, camps of 10 days duration are organised in adopted villages or urban slums during vacations. 50% of the volunteers participate in these camps. Projects are undertaken in accordance with the "camping themes" given by Govt. of India.
10.4 NSS Unit
Strength of a unit will be 100 volunteers but in exceptional cases, a unit may be started with 75 volunteers with permission of Govt./Director of Education.
10.4.1 Enrolment in NSS: Any regular student in plus two classes or classes of the three year degree courses (TDC) at college level can apply for enrolment in NSS. NCC cadets, National Sports Organisation (NSO), Scouts & Guides are not to be enrolled in NSS simultaneously.
10.4.2 Volunteer:
(a) Code of Conduct: A volunteer shall:-
(i) work under the guidance of group leader;
(ii) make himself/herself worthy of confidence and cooperation of group/ community leader-ship;
(iii) scrupulously avoid entering into any controversial issue;
(iv) keep day to day record of activities/ experiences in NSS Diary and get it signed by Programme Officer and
(v) wear NSS Badge while on work.
(b) NSS Certificate: A volunteer is entitled for NSS certificate upon rendering 240 hours of community service in two consecutive years and participation in 10 days special Annual Camp (Day and Night).
(c) Volunteers who render community service of exceptionally high standard may be honoured publically and also recommended for participation in State, Regional, National youth events.
10.5 Programme Officer (P.O.)
He/she is the kingpin functionary at the grass root level in NSS. He is to motivate volunteers to understand values and philosophy of NSS and provide guidance & direction to them. He is to facilitate them in planning, implementation and evaluation of their activities. He is to act as an organiser, educator, co-ordinator, supervisor and administrator and public relations officer in the discharge of his obligations effectively.
10.5.1 Selection/Appointment: The P.O. will be selected by the principal from amongst the applicant regular lecturers and appointed by Programme Coordinator on his recommendations, after scrutinising his/her bio-data focussing on his/her aptitude & performance in community service. Adhoc Tenure, Contract teacher is not to be appointed as P.O.
10.5.2 Eligibility:Only lecturers with commitment, dedication and inclination for community service be appointed. Teachers holding any assignment other than teaching i.e. NCC, DPE/Lecturer in Physical Education, Hostel Wardens, Bursur etc. is not to be appointed as a P.O.
10.5.3 Tenure: An P.O. can serve for a maximum period of 3 years at a stretch which can be extended by one year in case of exceptionally dedicated P.O. only. His/her performance is to be evaluated every year for continuation.
10.5.4 Orientation/Training: Principal is to ensure that the selected P.O. undergoes orientation within 3 months or at the first available opportunity. Failure of an P.O. to undergo orientation for any reason shall render him ineligible for holding the charge any more. The charge shall be handed over to another teacher immediately as per procedure.
10.5.5 Duties of P.O.: In addition to the actions required for the implementation of NSS programmes, P.O. is responsible for the maintenance of various Records, submission of periodical reports & returns as detailed in NSS Manual and safe custody of NSS Assets.
10.6 Programme Coordinator (NSS)
The Programme Coordinator is the key functionary as far as NSS is concerned. Only a devoted Programme Coordinator with adequate experience in youth work can plan, execute and evaluate the NSS activities in the proper perspective.
The Programme Coordinator will execute all administrative and policy directives of the Government of India and the State Government, decisions of the State Advisory Committee, +2 Advisory Committee for implementation of NSS programme. The NSS programme will be prepared in the light of the guidelines issued by the Government of India.
10.6.1 Selection of Programme Co-ordinator:
The selection of the Programme Coordinator at +2 level will be made by a duly Constituted Selection Committee as per the following procedures :
(a) The vacancy of the post will be advertised in the local and national dailies.
(b) The available candidates will be interviewed by the committee.
At least 5 persons will be short listed for interview.
(c) The candidate will be selected by the committee constituted for this purpose.
10.6.2 Composition of Selection Committee:
The Selection Committee for the post of Programme Coordinator +2 stage will consist of the following members :
(i) The Education Secretary Chairperson
(ii) The State Liaison Officer Member
(iii) Head of Concerned NSS Regional Center Member
(iv) The Director of Secondary Education/ Member
School Education/+2 Council
10.6.3 Qualification for the post of Programme Coordinator at +2 Stage :
(a) Principal of a Higher Secondary School
Officer of the Education Department not below the rank of Distt. Education Officer.
(b) should have served as Programme Officer in a school or College at least for 3 years.
(c) should have undergone NSS orientation in a Training Orientation Centre(TOC)/(Training Orientation and Research Centre (TORC).
(d) not more than 50 years of age at the time of selection as Programme Coordinator.
10.6.4 Term/Tenure of Programme Coordinator :
The Programme Coordinator will be appointed on deputation short term contract for a period of 3 years initially. It may be extended for another year subject to satisfactory performance.
10.6.5 Function of Programme Coordinator :
1. To assist and guide the NSS units for implementation of NSS programmes at +2 level.
2. To help in organising campus, training and orientation programmes for the NSS group leaders and Programme Officers.
3. To visit the NSS units for monitoring and evaluation.
4. To ensure implementation of NSS Regular Activities and Special Camping Programme.
5. To ensure timely release of grants.
6. To submit reports and returns to Programme Adviser, Regional Centre and State Liaison Cell.
7. To select new Programme Officers as per guidelines and ensure their orientation within the stipulated period.
8. To submit half yearly reports and their information required to Govt. of India, Regional Centre, State Liaison Officer and TOC from time to time as desired by the Govt. of India.
9. To liaise with Regional Centre, State Liaison Officer and TOC/TORC for the implementation of NSS programme.
10. To bring out the publications and reports throwing light on the achievements.
10.7 Principal
Proper implementation of NSS programmes at the institution level is ensured by the active participation of the Principal. He/she, therefore, is required to perform the following duties :-
10.7.1 Duties :
(i) Interpret importance of NSS to staff members and the community;
(ii) Integrate NSS with other related actions in the institution;
(iii) Select suitable NSS P.O.;
(iv) Guide P.O. and volunteers in planning NSS activities;
(v) Constitute NSS Advisory Committee & convene its meetings regularly as per guidelines;
(vi) Ensure implementation of suggestions of Advisory Committee;
(vii) Extend secretarial and other support to P.O. for effective implementation of NSS programme;
(viii) Monitor the programme and ensure proper maintenance of accounts & records;
(ix) Depute teachers for orientation, training, refresher courses, seminars etc. as and when asked for and
(x) Ensure utilisation of grants strictly in accordance with the guidelines/ instructions/directions.
10.8 Finances
As the funds are provided out of Public Revenue, the accounts are to be maintained according to Standard Accounting Procedure and instructions applicable to Public funds/Revenue.
10.8.1 NSS Account: NSS account is to be maintained in a Scheduled Bank as Saving Account separately. Payments are to be made by cheque only. Separate Voucher Files & Cash Book is to properly maintained.
10.8.2 Expenditure Statements and Utilisation Certificates: Expenditure Statements and utilisation certificates are to be submitted to the authorities under the signatures of principal only and not the P.O., duly audited by Chartered Accountant or other agency appointed by the Govt.
10.8.3 Out of Pocket Allowance: Out-of-pocket allowance to P.O. is subject to the following specific work to be put in by him/her every month.
(i) Mobilization of 50% volunteers for special camping;
(ii) Minimum of 3 to 4 community visits per month to the adopted area for coordination and supervision;
(iii) Maintenance of NSS Records as specified in NSS Manual;
(iv) Submission of quarterly progress reports.
Note.-Out of Pocket Allowance is exempted from Income Tax .
10.8.4 Financial Records : Cash Book, Voucher File, and other records pertaining to NSS are to be made available for inspection by the officials of A.G., Local Fund Audit, State Liaison Officer and Regional Centre concerned.
10.8.5 Cash Book : Cash Book is to be completed on the day any transaction is made.
10.9 Records and Registers
The Records & Registers are to be properly maintained and handed over by the outgoing P.O. to the successor.
The following are to be maintained at Unit Level :
(a) Enrolment Register
(b) Project Register
(c) Stock Register
(d) Record of Attendance
(e) Minutes Book of school advisory committee
(f) Personal Work Diary of P.O.
(g) Work Diary of NSS Volunteer
(h) Financial Records.
10.10 NSS Manual
NSS Manual issued by Govt. of India is a Reference Book and is to be kept in the library as such duly accessed. It is not to be issued on loan. Principal and P.O. are to implement the programme strictly in accordance with the guidelines/ instructions/ directions contained in NSS Manual issued by Govt. of India as well as received from competent authorities from time to time.
10.11 Donations
NSS subscriptions and other income in cash ar to be duly recorded in Cash Book. Donations in kind are to be entered in NSS Stock Register with specifications & market value.
10.12 Storage of Material
It is to be ensured that material purchased out of NSS fund is stored separately and exclusively utilised for NSS activities.
10.13 Temporary Advance to PO
NSS being a student activity and third dimension of education, flow of funds is to be ensured. As such temporary advances from any of the funds available in the institutions be given to the PO to implement activities.